Sunday, December 7, 2008

Asian Chick

I am an.....

Asian Chick

Ha! :D

Where do I find all these cute, wondrous things? I found this at my oh-beloved-Etsy. but I must admit...I did not come across it on my own. My house mate, Annady (pseudonym) is just Sooo talented with finding such wonderful websites and products! So yes, in short, I CHEAT. HAHA.

The art work was done by Mirabel, a Vietnamese Irish American visual artist and designer from Rhode Island. you can buy cute cards and little art pieces to frame from her Etsy store. and her description on this particular art work is fabulous:
"Asian Chick: Smart, successful, exotic beauty seeks friends to eat dim sum and pho with. Loves to wear lots of eye makeup, drift-racing, and new soy milk maker."
- Mirabel

What kind of an Asian Chick would IIII be? but before we go on, I must share with you some of the other Artworks she's done that I just absolutely adore:

Wouldn't this make the PERFECT thank you cards?
Namaste Kokeshi (japanese folk art doll) framed mini print

and these, the PERFECT Christmas cards??
Christmas Cards - Madonna and Child - Set of 6

Anyways, going back to our original conversation, "What kind of an Asian Chick would I be?" Hmmmm..... Yes, I must agree with the first three characteristics she listed as her own ;) (and yes, smart, successful, and exotic are all relative terms :P so you can't penalize me for using them for myself! ah-ha!)

I mean, which girl do you find more beautiful?

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The girl on the top is Honey Lee, who was the 2006 Miss Korea, and the third runner up at 2007 Miss Universe, and on the bottom is the famous Aishwarya Rai, who was a Miss world and an actress in Bollywood; she has been acclaimed to be the most beautiful woman in the world today by many different sources. Personally? I LOVE HONEY LEE! :)
you can read Mr. Kanazawa's article on the concept of Beauty here.

Actually, I'd adopt ALL of Mirabel's description of an "Asian Chick" for myself, except I'd change the 'dim sum and pho' with 'all kinds of food' and would change 'new soy milk maker' with an 'inconsistent soymilk drinker'? ;)

No, but really. What are my favorite things to do? What am I in love with today? or everyday? I do love to play with make up. I mean, so much that I've become an Avon-lady!
Reese Witherspoon as Avon Lady! picture via The Enquirer

And then, I do drift-race...well sort of, if you count turning a corner too fast and getting smoky tires and screechy sounds as 'drifting'...:P I do this so often that my dad put an unusually wide tires on my camry...which means it's also lower, so I can scratch the bottom more often, too! :'(

and there's FOOD. I just Looooooove EATING. I love making food for others and making it look all nice and pretty. I did that a few times for my own dishes when I was eating alone, but I decided it's just not as fun. and I Looove trying new restaurants (that's gotten a good reviews on yelp). I probably will do restaurant reviews here to if I feel compelled to share with you.

Oh and I love to sing. I really want to learn how to sing. like a proper voice lesson. but money and no time, I guess. I have a recording device on my computer, and when I come across a song that I'm obsessed with at the time, I like to record myself singing it. What did I learn from all these recording? I learned that no matter how 'okay' you might sound in your own ears, when you replay the recording, you are almost ALWAYS flat or sharp at one point or another and it's EXTREMELY hard to get a "perfect" recording, such as ones you hear in real artists' CD's. it gives you a whole new level of appreciation for those who can sing live, and sing WELL.

Anyway, I really want to be able to make a CD of my own of at least 5 or 6 songs that are recorded at least somewhat 'perfectly' before I get too old. Just for the keeps sake and for fun. Hopefully one day it'll come true.

Sooo That's it! that's the kind of "Asian Chick" that I am.

What about YOU?